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  • Article Item
    Tenant Organizations In Public Housing Projects: A Report On Senate Resolution No. 347 , article

    Tenant management was initiated as a response to the virtual breakdown of housing authority management in Boston and St. Louis two decades ago. The first resident management corporation was created in 1971 from frustration with poor management and maintenance at the Bromley-Heath public housing development in Boston. In St. Louis, frustrated tenants organized the nation’s first public housing rent strike in 1969.

    Date: Jul 07, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    Urban Redevelopment, Displacement And The Future Of The American City , article

    This paper examines the record of urban redevelopment during the last half of the 20th century. The post World War II history of redevelopment is traced through five periods: slum clearance; clearance for public housing; national promotion of social change; redevelopment of central business districts; and, the federal retreat from cities.

    Date: Jul 07, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    Housing Conditions of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers , article

    Migrant, seasonal workers are a critical labor force for planting and harvesting a variety of agricultural products in Virginia. Seasonal surges in demand for such labor are largely met by migrant workers who come from outside the United States in search of temporary employment. Within the agricultural economy, the farmer and the migrant worker have a symbiotic relationship that is structured by several important constraints.

    Date: Jul 07, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    Partner in Housing: Virginia's Nonprofit Housing Sector , article

    Nonprofit housing organizations primarily exist to address the housing needs of low-income Virginians, those whose housing needs are not sufficiently met by the forprofit sector or by government. NHOs are private corporations with a board of directors who volunteer their time and services, and most have paid staff. Nonprofit housing organizations are very similar to for-profit housing corporations in their size, productivity and commitment to the “bottom line.”

    Date: Jul 08, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    The 2001 Virginia Rural Homeless Survey , article

    During the month of February 2001, the Virginia Tech Center for Housing Research and participating social service providers joined forces to count the rural homeless population in Virginia. The Virginia Housing Study Commission, the Virginia Interagency Action Council (VIACH) for the Homeless, and the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (VDHCD) commissioned the Virginia Survey of Rural Homeless in response to House Joint Resolution 257 requesting a study of the number and needs of homeless people living in rural areas of the Commonwealth.

    Date: Jul 08, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    Socioeconomic and Housing Trends in Central Appalachia , article

    This report evaluates demographic, economic, and housing conditions in the Appalachian region of four states (Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia) to determine the impact of socioeconomic development on housing needs in the region. The findings testify to the diversity of the region. There is a clear distinction between the core and periphery of the region.

    Date: Jul 08, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    Housing Market Conditions and Housing Needs in Chesterfield County, Virginia , article

    The Virginia Center for Housing Research (VCHR) was contracted to perform a housing market and needs analysis to assist the planning efforts of Chesterfield County, Virginia. This report summarizes the findings of that analysis, describes trends from 1990-2000 and projects growth from 2000-2010, and identifies important characteristics of housing in Chesterfield. The data used for this effort primarily came from the 1990 and 2000 Censuses, the VCHR Housing Model, and the Chesterfield Planning Department.

    Date: Jul 08, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    The Diffusion of Innovation in the Residential Building Industry , article

    The successful diffusion of innovations in the residential home building industry can have substantial social, economic, and environmental benefits to Americans. By incorporating new technologies, techniques, and materials into construction practices, it is possible to:

    Date: Jul 08, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    Evaluation of the HUD Elde Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO) Program , article

    With funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Center for Housing Research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) conducted an evaluation of the HUD Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO) demonstration program. The evaluation consisted of a review of background information, a review of zoning and land-use issues, interviews with key groups, physical inspections of the ECHO units, a financial viability assessment, and findings and recommendations.

    Date: Jul 08, 2023 -
  • Article Item
    Homeownership Affordability in Virginia , article

    This report updates the edition published in January 2003 and updates data for 2000-2002 presented in earlier reports. Data presented herein for 2003 will be updated in the report to be published in 2005. In addition, this report reflects changes in the market areas reported by the Virginia Association of Realtors® (VAR).

    Date: Jul 08, 2023 -

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