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Eliza Duncan

Spring 2025


B.S. in Construction Engineering and ManagementM.S. Building Construction Science and Management

Why did you choose Virginia Tech?

"I chose Virginia Tech because I loved that it is an engineering-heavy university, and I would be able to meet more like-minded individuals here."

Why did you choose Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)?

"When I was a freshman in General Engineering, I attended an event over Zoom where a couple of faculty members from each of the College of Engineering majors were in breakout rooms and students could join the rooms to talk to them. At the time, I was considering either majoring in civil engineering or CEM. When talking to the two faculty members representing CEM, they explained the difference between the two majors and gave more insight into the MLSoC community. Their explanation as well as the impression they gave made my decision more concrete as to why I chose CEM. (Thank you Philip Agee and Abiola Akanmu!)

I chose to do my Master's Degree in Building Construction Science and Management because I wanted to learn more about Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) technologies since both are newer trends in the construction industry."

Career Goals

"In 10 years, I would like to be a project manager working on projects that heavily implement BIM/VDC technologies."

What would you tell students who are interested in joining the Myers-Lawson School of Construction (MLSoC)?

"I recommend joining MLSoC because the faculty cares about you and will want to get to know you. The MLSoC community feels like a second family to me."

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