Abiola Akanmu

310A Bishop-Favrao Hall (0156)
Blacksburg VA 24061
Role and Background
Dr. Abiola Akanmu serves as the Associate Professor for Construction Engineering and Management in the Myers-Lawson School of Construction. She joined Virginia Tech in 2017.
Dr. Akanmu’s research focuses on improving the delivery of building and civil infrastructure systems and workforce development using emerging technologies and techniques. In her current research, Akanmu is exploring the design of tools and cyberlearning technologies to improve workforce competencies, health and safety, and support decision making on construction projects. She aims to impact the preparedness of the current and future workforce to meet the demands of the future of the construction industry.
Previously, Dr. Akanmu served as Assistant Professor for Western Michigan University before joining the Myers Lawson School of Construction. In addition, she worked as a lecturer at Covenant University, Nigeria for three years. She also worked as a design and field engineer for six years.
Dr. Akanmu holds a Ph.D in Architectural Engineering (Construction Management option) from Pennsylvania State University and Bachelor of Engineernig and M.S. in Civil and Structural Engineering, respectively, from Bayero University Kano, Nigeria.