Howard C. Cushman V
B.S. in Construction Engineering and Management
Why did you choose Virginia Tech?
"Virginia Tech always stuck out to me as a great school for engineering. After visiting, I realized how strong the community is in Blacksburg. When I returned home and did more research, I learned about the strong alumni connections outside of Blacksburg. I wanted nothing more than to be a part of this community."
Why did you choose Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)?
"Construction Engineering and Management offered a focus in the industry I found most interesting. From the jump, I knew this is where I wanted to be academically. It was not until I began taking CEM courses that I once again found myself in a strong community, one that is best shown on the third floor of Bishop-Favrao Hall. "
Career Goals
"I hope to attain my Professional Engineering (PE) certification soon after graduation. I then will use this and my degree to help serve the industry to the best of my ability."
What would you tell students who are interested in joining the Myers-Lawson School of Construction (MLSoC)?
"If you have any doubts, venture to the third floor of Bishop-Favrao. From there, you will feel a sense of community. If you have any technical questions, ask an ambassador, a professor, or an advisor. The awesome thing about CEM is that if you do this, you will likely make friends with your classmates and those studying around you."