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Renée Ryan

Assistant Director of Student Affairs and Administration, Building Construction
Staff headshot of Renee Ryan
1345 Perry St
430H Bishop-Favrao Hall
Blacksburg VA 24061

Role and Background

Renée Ryan serves as the Assistant Director for Student Affairs and Administration for the Department of Building Construction in the Myers-Lawson School of Construction. In this position, she administers the recruitment, retention, and curricular initiatives of students within the department. Her curricular design work includes organizing and conducting educational modules for non-technical skills, teamwork, public speaking, leadership, writing, and critical thinking related to construction management. She joined Virginia Tech in 2011.

Renée’s teaching focuses on first year education and non-technical communication skills. She also serves as First Year Experience Coordinator for the department. Before joining Virginia Tech, she taught in all levels of education from kindergarten to university.


Renée holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Children’s Literature from Hollins University and a Bachelor of Science in Education from West Virginia State University.

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