Xinghua Gao

1385 Perry St
Blacksburg VA 24061
Role and Background
Dr. Xinghua Gao serves as an Assistant Professor for Construction Engineering and Management at the Myers-Lawson School of Construction. He joined Virginia Tech in 2019.
Dr. Gao's research focuses on building information modeling and internet of things-enabled smart built environments that encompass automated data collection, analysis, and visualization to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, and security of construction and facilities management. Dr. Gao is currently addressing cybersecurity issues and solutions in smart buildings and exploring the use of artificial intellegence for renewable energy adoption and applications. His aim is to improve building energy efficiency, affordability, and human-centeredness to meet the growing demands for electrification, sustainability, and ambient intelligence in future living environments.
Dr. Gao holds a Ph.D. in Building Construction and two M.S. degrees, one in Computational Science and Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, the other in Structural Engineering from Cardiff University, and a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering from Central South University, China.