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Robert Vaughan

IT Support Specialist/Network and Systems Administrator, Myers-Lawson School of Construction
Staff headshot of Robert Vaughan
1345 Perry St
430D Bishop-Favrao Hall
Blacksburg VA 24061


Robert Vaughan serves as the IT Support Specialist/Network and Systems Administrator for the Myers-Lawson School of Construction. His main job function is supporting the faculty and staff computers as well as network and server infrastructure for the school.


Robert joined Virginia Tech in 2014 and most recently served as IT Specialist for the College of Architecture and Urban Studies (now the College of Architecture, Arts and Design) before joining the Myers-Lawson School of Construction in his current role. His prior experience includes working in IT in many capacities for over 30 years from selling computers to building and troubleshooting them. He also has worked in web design on and off since before the web as we know it even existed, running a Computer Bulletin Board System for almost 10 years.

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