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Charles Smith

Assistant Professor of Practice, Construction Engineering and Management
Staff headshot of Charles Smith
1345 Perry St
330F Bishop-Favrao Hall
Blacksburg VA 24061

Role and Background

Charles Smith serves as Assistant Professor for the Construction and Engineering Management Program in the Myers-Lawson School of Construction. He joined Virginia Tech in 2020.

Charles’ teaching focuses on construction estimating and scheduling, and construction means and methods.  He aims to impact students by raising their awareness of ground (subsurface) risks and influences on construction activities.

Previously, Charles served as a geotechnical engineering consultant for 35 years before joining the Department of Construction and Engineering Management.


Charles holds a Master of Engineering degree in Geotechnical Engineering from Virginia Tech and a Bachelor's degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Clarkson University.  He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of North Carolina.