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Sunil Sinha

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Director, Sustainable Water Infrastructure Management (SWIM) Center
Staff headshot of Sunil Sinha
750 Drillfield Dr
117C Patton Hall
Blacksburg VA 24061

Role and Background

Dr. Sunil Sinha serves as a Professor for Civil and Environmental Engineering. He joined Virginia Tech in 2007.

Dr. Sinha’s research focuses on infrastructure management, sustainability, pattern recognition, sensor informatics, and resilience, especially water systems. His research is focused on the development of an integrated infrastructure management system with recent sensor technologies, life-cycle cost/benefit analysis, and condition/performance deterioration modeling, critical civil infrastructure systems face a multitude of hazards that must be identified, assessed, communicated, and managed appropriately. He is leading a multi-year research and education program to define best practices and develop practical tools and techniques for resiliency and sustainability. He also serves as the Director of SWIM Center.

Previously, Dr. Sinha served as an Assistant Professor for Penn State University] before joining the Vecellio Construction Engineering and Management Program.


Dr. Sinha holds a B.E. in Civil Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology] and a MASc in Civil Engineering and a PhD in Civil & Systems Design Engineering from University of Waterloo.