
The Vecellio Construction Engineering and Management Program offers graduate study toward the Master of Science in Civil Engineering and the Doctor of Philosopy.
Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)
The Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering (MSCE) can be undertaken with a research orientation (through the preparation of a thesis), or it can be accomplished through a non-thesis path which includes more extensive coursework and may include a project and report. The MS CE degree has been designed to prepare students for an advanced degree in civil engineering with an emphasis in construction engineering and management. The curriculum and course requirements are structured to allow students the flexibility needed to achieve their full potential and realize their personal aspirations for success in the construction industry. Faculty work with students to develop a program of studies that will:
- Develop skills in written and oral communication through the completion of 4 credit hours of required coursework
- Develop a depth of knowledge in Construction Engineering and Management through the completion of 15 credit hours coursework selected from courses taught by VCEMP faculty.
- Develop a breadth of knowledge in construction engineering and management, engineering, business or any other mutually agreed area by completing elective courses in these areas.
- Develop skills in independent and creative thought through the completion of a required final examination and, if selected, a dissertation, thesis or report.
Doctor of Philosophy
Ph.D. students in the Civil Engineering Construction track must complete an approved program of study comprising a minimum of 90 credit hours of graduate study beyond the baccalaureate. Students must complete a Ph.D. dissertation that makes up between 30 and 60 hours of the total. No more than 42 semester hours of graduate work may be transferred from other institutions and all transferred course credits must have a grade of B or higher. In most instances, candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering have satisfactorily completed a Master of Science Degree in either Civil Engineering or in Environmental Engineering. Students may enter this program from other engineering curricula or from areas outside of engineering, as outlined for the Master of Science Degree in Civil Engineering. Such students must make up baccalaureate work as required and other coursework as deemed necessary by their Ph.D. Advisory Committee.